Humboldt Family Medicine
1128 Grand Ave.
Open: Monday - Gayle Keller, APRN; Tuesday - Sandy Catlin, APRN; Thursday - Carrie Ramsey, PA
Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Humboldt Rescue
Emergency: 911
Non-emergency: 402.862.2171 (City office)
Humboldt Rescue provides emergency medical services and serves the western third of Richardson County. The squad is a volunteer service with two modern rescue vehicles. The squad conducts continuous training to maintain proficiency.
Nursing Home
Colonial Acres
Nursing Home & Assisted Living
1043 10th Street
Colonial Acres of Humboldt and Assisted Living is a Medicare/Medicaid Certified Nursing Facility. We have a 49-bed Long-Term bed unit and a 14 bed Assisted Living Unit. Our Assisted Living Unit offers a variety of Small and Large Studios as well as One Bedrooms. All rooms are equipped with walk-in showers, mini kitchens furnished with microwave and refrigerator. The Nursing center provides in-patient and out-patient physical, occupational and speech therapy in a state of the art facility. In the Summer of 2021, the facility began with improvements to the building. Our Assisted Living Rooms have been upgraded with new painting and flooring, as well as our Nursing Home Rooms. Our Living Room and Nursing Station was completed in the Fall of 2021.
Rehab Visions
Therapy: Ashley Eickhoff
Colonial Acres Nursing Home
Surrounding Hospitals
Community Medical Center 2307 Barada Street Falls City, NE 402.245.2428 |
Pawnee County Memorial Hospital 600 First Street Pawnee City, NE 402.852.2231 |
Nemaha County Hospital 2022 13th Street Auburn, NE 402.274.4366 |
Johnson County Hospital 202 High Street Tecumseh, NE 402.335.3361 |
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Christian Church 427 Central Avenue Phone: 402.862.3117 Howard Blecha, Lay Minister Worship Service - 10:30 am Children's Sunday School - 10:45 am |
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Faith Lutheran Church 948 Central Ave Phone: 402.862.2437 Tim Llewellyn, Pastor Sunday School - 9:30 am Worship Service - 10:30 am |
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Northridge Humboldt Church 625 Lincoln Phone: 402.862.2019 Pastor Chris Hanley, contact info: Sunday School - 9:30 am Worship Service - 10:30 am AWANA - Wednesday - 6:30 pm |
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United Methodist Church 340 N Nemaha St Phone: 785.229.6811 Lori Stevens, Pastor Sunday School - 9:30 am Worship Service - 10:45 am |
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Surrounding Churches:
St. James Lutheran Church Long Branch Long Branch 7 miles N on Why 105 and 1/2 mile W on Hwy 62 of Humboldt, Elk Creek, NE Phone: 402.877.4425 Amalia & Eric Spruth-Janssen, Pastors Worship Service - 9:30 am Sunday School - 10:30 am |
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St. Mary's Catholic Church 312 4th St Dawson, NE (9 miles East of Humboldt) Phone: 402.239.8842 Father Tony Bedient Saturday Mass - 5:30 pm 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday Mass - 8:30 am 2nd & 4th Sunday Mass - 10:30 am |
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Four Mile Church 8 miles South of Humboldt on Hwy 8 Phone: 402.862.2008 Howard Blecha, Pastor Worship Service - 9:00 am |
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City of Humboldt
The City of Humboldt City Officials
Jan Wilhelm, Mayor
Darla Hulsebus, City Clerk/Treasurer, 402.862.2171
Kendra Douglas, President of Council
Jaymie Lewis, Council
Dale Oehm, Council
Richard Davis, Council
City Boards
- Nursing Home Board
- Library Board
- Cemetery Board
- Board of Health
- Humboldt Housing Authority Board
- Planning Commission
- Auditorium Board
- City Tree Board
- City Square Park
- Children's Playground
- Lake Park
- Swimming Pool
- Fishing
- Tennis Court
- Basketball Court
- Picnic Shelters
- Horse Shoe Pits
- Campground
- City Lake Park
- Kirkman Cove Recreation Area
- Golf
Bruun Memorial Library
730 3rd Street
Library Hours:
Monday: 2:00 - 6:00 pm
Tuesday: 10 am - 12:00 noon, 2:00 - 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 10 am - 12:00 noon, 2:00 - 6:00 pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 10 am - 12:00 noon, 2:00 - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Bruun Memorial Library, located on the southeast corner of the town square, was organized in 1884 and celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2009. The library was originally upstairs above a store, but moved downstairs and later renovated an attached building with grant funds and a local family donation. This addition features a meeting room, a large display of historic pictures donated by several area families, historic memorabilia, and a variety of historical records for genealogy research. The library also provides public access computers, and has books, magazines, audio books and movies available for checkout.
Humboldt Town Square
The Humboldt Town Square was recently revitalized with historic lighting, painted mural, pedestrian amenities, complete new sidewalks with handicap accessibility and the original bricks were re-laid. The Humboldt Commercial Historic District was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2005 with the Nebraska Historical Marker placed in the Northeast corner of the City Park.
Humboldt Civic groups took on the project of restoring the bandstand in the middle of the City Park and preparing the wall of the Lodge building for the mural on the Northeast corner of the Square. The large mural illustrates the history and heritage of Humboldt. It draws the viewer back to the days when Humboldt was the site of a brick works that made most of the street paving bricks for the Burlington Northern depots, to the days of the grand hotel on the square, to a scene that depicts all the pomp and pageantry of the Richardson County Fair and Fall Festival, complete with marching band, flags, horses, Fair Queens and tractors. This 2,500+ sq ft mural was created by Greg Holdren.
Quad County Historical & Research Society
314 East Square, Humboldt, NE 68376
Located on the East side of the square in the Historic Humboldt Commercial District.
Contact for more information or if you would like to display a family heirloom, the following:
President Sandy Stalder - 402-862-5421
Vice President Jorene Herr - 402-862-2914
Treasurer Brenda Frederick
Curator Duaine Stalder - 405-862-5338
Comments: AKA Quad County Museum
Humboldt Public Schools Foundation
PO Box 661, Humboldt, NE 68376
Email: for donation information
President Ted Harshbarger; Vice President Don Eis; Secretary Joyce Huppert; Treasurer Sandy Stalder
Members: Jorene Herr, Neal Kanel, Steve Schaardt
The Mission Statement of the HTRS Schools is: "Family, Educators and Community united in providing quality education for lifelong learning in a changing world."
The HTRS Public Schools Foundation is 501 (c)(3) tax exempt Foundation, Community-based nonprofit organization exclusively for the benefit of or to carry out the purposes of the HTRS Schools. Unity between families, teachers and the local Communities will bring excellence in education for our youth; the HTRS Public Schools Foundation hopes to encourage such through its actions
Community Foundation, Inc.
Crystal Dunekacke, President -
The Humboldt Community Foundation provides a unique opportunity for Humboldt residents and former residents, to provide gifts directly to our fine community. The Humboldt Community Foundation puts every dollar received back into the Humboldt Community. We are a 501 (c)(3) charitable coporation.
Friends of the Humboldt Auditorium Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 395, Humboldt, NE 68376
Friends of the Humboldt Auditorium (FOHA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of Nebraska. It seeks and manages funds to support the City of Humboldt Auditorium Board in the renovation and on-going operation of the city-owned Auditorium. The FOHA goals are:
- Recognize and preserve the historical significance of the Auditorium.
- Emphasize the economic value of local and regional use.
- Lead, advise, and promote the Auditorium as a regional public location for events of commerce, arts, and entertainment.
Lee Goodhart, Chairman, 608.385.4381
Linda Dovel, Treasurer, 402.862.5605
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Chamber of Commerce
Email: or
- Barb Dettmann, President
- James Jones, Vice President
- Brenda Frederick, Treasurer
- Sandy Stalder, Secretary & Newsletter
- Dr. George Griffith, Past President
Board Members
Cheree Rist
Katie Umland
American Legion Post #269
Phone: 402.862.2872
Commander, Brian Jones
Legion meetings are as follows:
American Legion Post #269 meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Meeting Place
Sons of the American Legion meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month
American Legion Auxiliary - Unit #269
Norma Arington, 402.862.2872,
533 Long Branch, Humboldt, NE 68376
Doris DeJonge, 402.862.5649,
533 Grand Ave, Humboldt, NE 68376
The Auxiliary meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the Meeting Place
American Legion Auxiliary #269 is a patriotic women's organization committed to serve veterans and their families and to promote Americanism by helping the Community, State and Nation whenever and wherever needed.
Sons of American Legion
Danny DeJonge, 402.239.9672
Sons of the American Legion meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month
HTRS Area Girl Scouts
B.J. Freeman, 402.720.1964, Jaime Frey, 402.805.7023, Maren DeJonge 402.883.8223
Girls ages K-12. Meet one Wednesday a month during the school year: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm at HTRS lunchroom (810 Central Ave). The Girl Scouts help girls build courage, confidence, and character.
Humboldt Historical Picture Society
Jorene Herr, 402.862.2914,
c/o Bruun Memorial Library, PO Box 368, Humboldt, NE 68376
The Humboldt Historical Picture Society was organized October 9, 1989. The original committee consisted of Charles Marburger, chairman; Veronica Arington, secretary; and Maxine Weaver, treasurer. Other members who have served since that time are Nellie Marie Howe, Annabelle Rumbaugh and Elma Ruth Yaussi. The object of the society is to collect pictures or reproductions of people, businesses, events, etc., that have a connection to Humboldt and the surrounding community. While the society is an independent entity, library facilities are used to store and display the collection.
Since that time the group has received many donations, both of pictures and money, categorized and identified pictures, and organized several collage displays. They also helped with the purchase of an 1879 map of Richardson County for the library. As members aged, the committee became inactive. Currently, plans are being made to reorganize the group to help maintain the historic picture collection at Bruun Memorial Library.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows, also known as I.O.O.F., is an active fraternal organization, whose members believe in a Supreme Being. It is composed of two groups: Odd Fellows, primarily men in Humboldt, but women are eligible to join, who meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights; and Rebekahs, men and women, who meet the 2nd and 4th Friday nights. All meetings are held at The Meeting Place. The ultimate purpose of the two lodges is to relieve the distressed, care for the sick, bury the dead, and assist those in need. All races and creeds are eligible for membership. For more information, contact the Secretary of the Rebekahs, Nancy Nemecheck, 402.862.2010.
Richardson County Rural Water District #1
Rex Kappel, Manager/Operator 402.862.5325 or Mary White, Bookkeeping 402.862.6698
Fax: 402.862.2984
71449 636 Ave, PO Box 632, Humboldt, NE 68376
The Rural Water District offers water to potential or existing rural families in applicable areas. Duties of Rural Water are preparation, installation and maintaining water quality and quantity. Customers need not worry about power outages, well house freeze-ups, costly maintenance upkeep by having their own wells.
Rural Water #1 is comprised of a governing Board, Water Manager/Operator, certified by the State of Nebraska. Water is tested monthly to ensure quality through the State of Nebraska, NDEE.
Humboldt Lions Club
Meets on the second Thursday of each month. Pot luck at 6:00 pm and meeting at 6:30 pm at the Old Fire Hall. Contact: Sherryn Rist, President 402-862-2330; Susan Wissmann, VP 402-245-7763, Michele Hunzeker, Treasurer; Bev Simmons, Secretary
Humboldt Shares
PO Box 142, Humboldt, NE 68376
Contact: Mark Novak, President - 402-770-8029 or
Mark Joy, Vice President - 402.862.2434 or
Deb Lewis, Secretary - 402.862.2311 or
Crystal Dunekacke, Treasurer - 402-862-2201 or
Chuck Hunzeker, Board Member
Humboldt Shares is an opportunity for a proactive investment in our community. Humboldt Shares is a local effort to pool finances to be utilized to foster economic development. Shares may be purchased for $100 and the proceeds are combined to support economic development and business creation in and around Humboldt, Nebraska.
Friends of the Library
PO Box 368, Humboldt, NE
The Friends of the Humboldt Bruun Memorial Library is a non-profit, educational group of citizens who are dedicated in supporting our public library system. In supporting our library, your contributions will be used to supplement the City tax dollars to buy materials, programs and equipment to run the library. Donations may be made to honor family and friends or memorial gifts.
Memberships available: Friend for Life $100; or annual memberships for Individual $5
Humboldt Volunteer Fire Rescue Department
Rex Kappel, Fire Chief , 402.862.5325,
Rescue - Marty Lewis or Cindy Troxel 402.862.2171 (City office #)
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City Lake Park
The City Lake Park located in the South part of town features two fishing lakes, tent & RV camping with electrical hookups, swimming pool, tennis court, playground area, ball fields and three picnic shelters furnished with tables, lights & electrical outlets. The City recently restored the walking bridge over the west lake.
There are 11 camping spots with 30 amp electrical hookups. There are 2 BBQ grills located between spot 1 and 2 as well as between spot 4 and 5. Picnic tables are movable and are first come, first serve. Each spot is $15/day. RV dump station is available on site. To reserve a campsite, please call City Office at 402.862.2171 or email View map of campsites and pictures of camping areas. Reservations must be paid in advance by cash, check or credit card.
Humboldt Activities
Swimming Pool | Closed until further notice
- Fishing
- Tennis Court
- Basketball Court
- Picnic Shelters
- Camping
- Baseball and Softball
- Horse shoe pits
Kirkman's Cove Recreational Area is a Nemaha Natural Resource (NRD) 500-acre complex that features a nine-hole public golf course and a 160 acre lake for fishing and boating. The parks offers numerous recreational activities including swimming beach, fishin, boating, water skiing, picnicking, playground equipment, hiking trails, and RV (some electrical hookups) and tent camping. THe lake is stocked with large mouth bass, walleye, channel catfish and blue gill. It is open year-round. Entry permit required. Directions: 2 1/2 miles west of town on Highway 4, then 1/2 mile north.
- Picnicking
- Fishing
- Boating
- Swimming
- Golfing
- Visit the Kirkman Lakeview Golf Course website at:
Boy Scout Camp
- Picnicking
- Fishing
- Boating
Kirkman's Lakeview Golf Course
Kirkman's Lakeview Golf Course, west of Humboldt along Highway 4, invites play from March into October. The Clubhouse is open April 1 through October 20. Weather permitting; the 9-hole public course opens in March.
Hours: April & September - 8:30 am to 7:00 pm; May - 8:00 am to 7:30 pm; June, July & August - 7:00 am to 8:30 pm. All fairways and roughs are watered. Players from urban areas praise the site as one of the best because there is green grass everywhere and the course is always in excellent shape. Call 402-862-2828 for golfing fees and tournament schedules.
Camp Cornhusker
Camp Cornhusker is located 12 miles south of Humboldt and is operated by Cornhusker Council, Boy Scouts of America. The camp is 390 acres of rolling hills dotted with large oak trees and an abundance of wildlife. In 2009, the 6 acre lake was renovated. Fishing, sailing, boating, canoeing and kayaking is available. The camp has a large dining hall with a full size kitchen; cabins, campgrounds; shower house with swimming pool; shooting ranges; ropes course; and hiking trails. Camp is available for outside group use. For more information on Camp Cornhusker, visit or call 402-488-6020 ext. 200.
Osage Wildlife Management
Nebraska Game and Parks oversees many Wildlife Management areas around Humboldt, Table Rock, Pawnee City and DuBois where the public can hunt year round. Call Mike Redumund at 402-335-2534 for information.
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Southeast Nebraska Cancer Memorial Garden
1st & Railroad Street, Humboldt, NE
Hours: Open 24 hours / 365 days a year
Phone: 402.862.5352
Our Mission is to create in Southeast Nebraska a tranquil arboretum in loving tribute to all cancer survivors, to all still fighting cancer, and to all those who have lost their battle to cancer. This memorial is developed and landscaped within a sunken area incorporating all native stones, planting healthy native trees, bushes, and plants so as to benefit and protect the environment, wildlife, and natural resources. The hope in doing so is to create a place of peace for meditation and reflection that incorporates all aspects of the battle against cancer. The healing goal of the garden for all who visit is to give to them a sense of well-being physically, mentally, and spiritually.
S.E. Nebraska Cancer Memorial Garden Memory Brick Project Form
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Available For Rent
Parkview Heights
37 lovely one-bedroom, well maintained and affordable apartments are available in Humboldt, NE overlooking the beautiful Lake Park.
Each apartment is complete with appliances; carpeting, air conditioning and emergency pull alarm systems. All apartments are located at ground level with two private entrances. Utilities, snow removal, yard maintenance and parking are all included in rent.
A community room is available for private family or social gatherings at no additional charge. Cable television and telephone services are available at reduced rates. A laundry facility is located in the development. Privacy is offered to the tenants with regard to designated time and day available for each household to do laundry with no waiting.
The Humboldt Housing Authority services all income levels. Two rentals options are offered. 30% of adjusted income for those that are income eligible and a flat rate for those with higher incomes.
Contact for applications by stopping by the office or utilize any of the following methods:
Located at 626 Parkview Drive, PO Box 642, Humboldt, NE 68376
Hours: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday or by appointment
Telephone: (402) 862-3201 or 1-800-545-1833, Ext. 809
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Fair Housing
The City of Humboldt operates in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law. It is illegal to discriminate again any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale or rental of housing or residential lots, in advertising the sale or rental of housing, in the financing of housing, in the provision of real estate brokerage services, and in the appraisal of housing.
Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination by calling 1-800-669-9777 (Toll Free) or 1-800-927-9275 (TTY). Written complaints can also be submitted to Kansas City Regional Office of FHEO, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Gateway Tower II, 400 State Avenue, Room 200, Kansas City, Kansas 66101-2406